Renaissance (Measure for Measure)
- Created by: elliee.lewis
- Created on: 10-04-19 13:18
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- The Renaissance
- Elizabethan era, Jacobean era, Caroline age, Commonwealth age
- Reign of Elizabeth to James I- Interregnum period.
- unstable government
- Locke, Francis and Bacon some of the first to challenge traditional morals in society
- Political controversy and divide
- Theatre and poetry dominated the era
- Soliloquy / Asides / men playing female roles
- Sonnet took off in this period
- Lyric / narrative / blank verse
- Nationalism
- Romantic luxuriance / imagination / creativity / experimentation
- Patriotism
- Humanism
- Theatre and poetry dominated the era
- Measure of Measure
- Based on the reign of James perhaps and the problems in society through government
- Angelo's use of soliloquy's demonstrate typical features of renaissance theatre
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