Love through the ages; Renaissance
- Created by: Laura
- Created on: 07-11-13 15:58
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- Renaissance
- Context
- Many themes of love is explored
- world view shifts from religion and after life to one stressing the human life on earth
- Shakespeare- Many plays are set in Italy, where promiscuous behaviour was known.
- Andrew Marvel
- To His Coy Mistress
- Form as a letter
- Lustful love: "And into ashes all my lust" "My echoing song: then worms shall try/That long preserved virginity"
- Religious: Love you ten ten years before the flood" "Till the conversion of the jews"
- Role of Women: "For, Lady, you deserve this state" "Two hundred to adore to each breast"
- To His Coy Mistress
- John Donne
- The Sunne Rising
- Romantic love: must to they motions lovers season run?
- Lustful love: "All honour's mimique; All wealth alchimie"
- Role of women: "she'is all States, and all Princes"
- The Sunne Rising
- Shakespeare
- Romeo and Juliet
- Yet if thou swear'st/ Thou may prove false"
- "If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully"
- King Lear
- "she shook/the holy water from her heavenly eyes"
- "Dog-hearted daughters"
- "The food of thy abused father's wrath"
- Taming of the shrew
- "A women moved is like a fountain troubled/ Muddy, ill-seeing thick, bereft of beauty"
- Romeo and Juliet
- Context
- Context
- Many themes of love is explored
- world view shifts from religion and after life to one stressing the human life on earth
- Shakespeare- Many plays are set in Italy, where promiscuous behaviour was known.
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