Edexcel Business Studies Research Methods
- Created by: ellaalevel
- Created on: 25-01-19 11:25
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- Research Methods
- Primary Research
- Questionnaires
- A lsit of written questions.
- Very common as contain the views and opinions of respondents.
- A lsit of written questions.
- Telephone Interviews
- Cheap
- Wide geographical area can be covered.
- Some people do not like being interrupted on telephone calls/
- Wide geographical area can be covered.
- Cheap
- Personal Interviews
- Often carried out in the street/ on the high street.
- Questions can be explained.
- Some people do not have time/ do not want to participate.
- Questions can be explained.
- Often carried out in the street/ on the high street.
- Focus Groups
- a number of customers are invited to attend a discussion led by market research.
- The group must be representative of the whole population.
- Cost effective.
- The group must be representative of the whole population.
- a number of customers are invited to attend a discussion led by market research.
- Observation
- The business watches the behavior of the customers.
- E.G Could show the most popular products and where they are located.
- However, you do not get customer feedback on these products.
- E.G Could show the most popular products and where they are located.
- The business watches the behavior of the customers.
- Test Market
- Involves selling a product in a restricted geographical area to test it before a national launch.
- After time feedback is given to the researchers.
- Reduces risk of failure.
- Involves selling a product in a restricted geographical area to test it before a national launch.
- Questionnaires
- Secondary Research
- Internal Data
- May be collected from existing business documents or other publications.
- Documents could be: Sales figures, stock movements etc
- May be collected from existing business documents or other publications.
- Trade Journals
- Magazines to do with trade within a particular industry.
- Annual Reports
- Report on companies activity throughout a year.
- E.g Profit and loss account /balance sheet etc.
- Report on companies activity throughout a year.
- Government sources
- Office for National Statistics (ONS), Census
- News
- Offers different sources on business plans/ competitors and new products.
- EU and International sources
- E.g -EuroStat, -World Trade Organisation
- Internal Data
- Primary Research
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