Research Methods
- Created by: llyuba
- Created on: 02-02-18 09:37
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- Quantitative
- Statistics
- Offical Statistics
- Easy,cheap and accesable
- Positivists favor because they are highly reliable
- Representative due to large scale studies
- Open to political abuse
- Interpretivists view them as a social construct
- Secondary Data
- Non - Official Statistics
- produced by non-state organisations in order to publicize a social problem
- Offical Statistics
- Questionnaire
- Low response rate
- Interpretivists believe they produce data low in validity
- Don't reflect reality
- Interpretivists believe they produce data low in validity
- Low response rate
- Research Methods
- Qualitative
- Observation
- Particpant
- Covert
- Researcher conceals the fact that there's research taking place
- Overt
- Researcher joins in the activities and lets the participants know
- Dangerous
- Researcher joins in the activities and lets the participants know
- Covert
- Non-Participant
- Etnographic
- Particpant
- Covert
- Researcher conceals the fact that there's research taking place
- Overt
- Researcher joins in the activities and lets the participants know
- Dangerous
- Researcher joins in the activities and lets the participants know
- Covert
- Data is hard to analyse because its normally descriptive
- Particpant
- Interpretivists like this method
- Verstehen
- Only practical method available to research hard-to-reach groups
- 'Observer Effect'
- Ethical Issues as you can lie to people
- May be subjective
- Particpant
- Unstructured Interviews
- No predetermined questionnaires/interview schedule
- Open-ended questions with flexible responses
- Useful when researching a sensitive group
- Positivists do not like this approach due to lack of quantitative data impacting the realibility
- No predetermined questionnaires/interview schedule
- Mixed Methods
- Triangulations
- 1 method that produces quantitative + 1 qalitative data
- Checks the accuracy of teh data
- Gives a complete picture
- Methodologial Pluralism
- Used to build up a fuller more comprehensive picture of social life
- Expensive and produces vast amounts of data making it hard to analyse
- Triangulations
- Observation
- Qualitative
- Structured Interviews
- Ethical = interviewer can explain the aims and objectives = gaining consent
- Higher response rate
- Positivists
- Scientific as schedules are standardized
- Expensive and time-consuming
- Interpretivist argue it lacks validity
- 'Interviewer Effect'
- Statistics
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