Sampling methods
- Created by: jesskeayy
- Created on: 30-04-17 20:05
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- Sampling frame: A list of all the members in the research population
- Research Sampling Methods
- Gatekeeper: Person that gives access to the target population's details
- Representative sampling types
- Simple random sample: sample which gives every member of the sample an equal chance of being selected
- Systematic random sample: Systematic selection of people from a smaller sampling frame
- Stratified random sample: Population separated into strata. These people are then randomly selected in characteristic groups
- Quota Sampling: Researcher represents characteristics of the population, by sampling a small amount of each
- Provides representative results
- Allows for generalisation to be made from results
- Time-consuming ad there needs to be access to a sampling frame
- Need good knowledge of the target population
- Sample must be sorted before the research can begin
- Non-Representative sampling tyes
- Snowball Sample: Start with a small amount of people and other people identify other people to take part
- Volunteer Sample: Members of the sample are self-selected
- Opportunity Sample: Taking the people available at the time of the research that fit your criteria
- Purposive Sample: Focuses on certain characteristics of the population of interest. Needs the judgement of the researcher
- No need for access to a sampling frame
- Research can begin before the whole sample is selected
- Results are less representative
- Harder to make generalisations from results
- Participants may have similar characteristics and it can be time consuming
- Participants may need an incentive to take part, which can be costly
- Research Sampling Methods
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