Reservoir location
- Created by: Luke Mitchell
- Created on: 16-01-13 13:33
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- Reservoir location
- Topography
- Main cost of developing = dam construction, whilst income is the amount of water held + supply.
- Narrow exit + large basin = ideal topography
- Geology
- rock beneath reservoir must be impermeableso water cannot percolate into rock and be lost.
- rock should be strong to support weight of dam/reservoir without faults or seismic activity that could trigger earthquake and cause dam to collapse.
- Catchment area
- area of land over which falling rain will flow into river from
- the site and surrounding area collecting water
- if area is good even if has not rained recently then water from previous rainfall will still enter reservoir
- Water supply
- Ideally, rainfall or river inflow should be regular with large volume.
- climate should not be too hot/dry which would cause excessive evaporation losses.
- Existing land use
- if land is important then should not be used because land is to be flooded
- analysis of balance of losses and benefits must be considered
- in UK large urban areas/areas of wildlife conservation would be protected, while agricultural land less valued
- Other countries may assess their priorites differently
- Pollution risk
- land uses in catchment area should not pose serious pollution risks to water.
- main threats = toxic pollutants from industry + agricultural pesticides.
- If area covered with forest lots of dead organic matter wash in and may decay anaerobically, releasing methane adding to global climate change
- Sedimentation
- soil erosion in catchment area can make inflow river very turbid = sedimentation in reservoir
- Gradually reduces volume of water that the reservoir can hold
- Infrastructure
- Building the dam, treating the water and transported it to the area of demand requires workers, buliding materials, access routes and machinery
- Convenient site near area of deman may be choosen rather than a site that would supply more water but isolated + difficult to reach
- Topography