Stages of respiration
- Created by: Rufina
- Created on: 06-09-16 18:18
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- Respiration
- release of energy from organic molecules in living cells
- Stages of respiration
- Krebs Cycle
- oxaloacetate recycled, 2CO2, 1 ATP, 6 reduced NAD, reduced FAD
- substrate molecules- 2 acetyl groups
- location - matrix of mitochondria
- Aerobic respiration
- Link reaction
- aerobic respiration
- products - acetyl CoA, reduced NAD, CO2
- substrate molecule - pyruvate
- Location - matrix of mitochondria
- Oxidative Phosphorylation
- aerobic respiration
- cristae in mitochondria
- 10 reduced NAD, 2 reduced FAD and ADP
- Glycolysis
- produces - 2 pyruvates, 4 ATP, 2 reduced NAD
- Number of ATP molecules produced 2 - by substrate level phosphorylation
- anaerobic and aerobic respiration
- Location - cytosol
- Substrate molecule - glucose
- Krebs Cycle
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