Responses to Hazards 3.1.5
- Created by: l.bracey2000
- Created on: 03-02-17 17:52
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- Responses to Hazards 3.1.5
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- This is a preventative disaster management approach
- Relief phase involves reactive measures
- Deal with critical immediate needs, emergency response to life and death
- Vulnerability, loss and disruption are minimised
- Through technical, social and economic measures
- Pre-dispositionedplans and community capacity
- Building for improving development
- Pre-dispositionedplans and community capacity
- Through technical, social and economic measures
- Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)
- In 2005 the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
- Agreed on the HFA to prioritise DRR on a global scale
- In Kobe, Hyogo and Japan
- There aims were to cover these 5 points
- Use knowledge, innovation and education
- To build awareness and a culture of safety and resilience
- Identity, assess and monitor disaster risks
- Strength disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels
- Make DRR priority on a national and local level
- Reduce the underlying risk factors
- Use knowledge, innovation and education
- In 2005 the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
- Hazard management cycle
- 3. Mitigation
- Prepare for next event
- 2. Recovery
- Re-construction to reduce loss
- 4. Preparedness
- Technology
- Building design
- Hazard maps and evacuation drills
- 1. Response
- Short term
- Temporary measures to reduce impact
- Highlights attempt from governments, businesses and other stake holders to...
- Reduce the losses
- Achieve a rapid and effective recovery
- Provide a rapid response to victims
- Attempts to minimise the drop and speed the recovery in the quality of life
- As shown in Park Model
- Four phases don't work in isolation but can overlap
- Size can differ depending upon severity of event and development of country
- Quicker recovery
- Have better response
- Well prepared
- Better mitigation
- Size can differ depending upon severity of event and development of country
- 3. Mitigation
- E.G Haiti 2010 Response
- Three days after MSF...
- Fix life lines
- Supplies for survivors
- Bury the dead
- Organise emergency shelters
- Found coordination committee
- Stabilise damaged buildings
- Search for survivors
- Set up emergency hospital
- Vulnerable because...
- Lots of political conflict and an unstable government
- Government has been given financial incentives to leave Port-au-Prince
- Tourism has dropped
- NGO's don't know how land belongs to
- So cannot build homes
- Lots of political conflict and an unstable government
- Oxfam helped with
- Process of re-construction and education
- Three days after MSF...
- Disaster Risk Reduction
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