B5:Responsibilities of organisations towards people who work in health and social care settings
- Created by: chloeh.b123
- Created on: 14-11-18 13:39
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- Responsibilities of organisations towards people who work in health and social care settings.
- Meeting National Occupational Standards
- NOS make sure that everywhere is the best they can be. Making sure everyone is following standards. The NOS underpin the codes of practice in care settings and look at the curriculum for the training of practitioners and cover the standards that are also included in the codes of practice for professional bodies.
- Supporting and safeguarding employees in health and social care
- Internal and external complaints
- All care organisations are required by their regulators, which include the professional organisations and the inspection agencies, to have formal procedures to address complaints.
- Membership of Trade unions/ professional associations
- Many people are members of trade unions which support them if they are accused wrongly by another employer. For example, nurses may belong to the RCN Royal college of nursing and most social workers are often a member of UNISON.
- Following protocols of regulatory bodies
- Protocols are accepted codes of practice and behaviour required of professionals by their regulatory bodies.
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing procedures can be a form of protection for all staff. If the quality of care is not up to standards, whistleblowing will protect not only the service user but also the members of staff and sometimes the place itself. If it is really bad, like some cases whistleblowing may lead to the police.
- Internal and external complaints
- Continuing Professional Development
- CPD helps to track the progress of people starting in a new profession, they have 3 different types of learning, structures, reflective and unstructured.
- Meeting National Occupational Standards
- Continuing Professional Development
- CPD helps to track the progress of people starting in a new profession, they have 3 different types of learning, structures, reflective and unstructured.
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