Restoration (1660 - 1667)
- Created by: SafaN0
- Created on: 20-10-20 19:53
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- The Restoration (from 1660 - 1667)
- Restoration Settlement (1660 - 1664)
- Declaration of Breda (April 1660)
- had 3 promises
- royalists land would be restored
- there would be religious toleration
- pardon given to those connected to richard cromwell, except leading figures (Act of Indemnity 1661)
- allowed Charles II to return easily
- had 3 promises
- Convention Parliament (April 1660 - December 1660)
- religiously and politically split
- Religion
- Presbyterians (Protestant Christianity established by John Knox in Scotland)
- Anglicans (members of Anglican Church)
- Indepedents (faction where Cromwell was a member)
- Political
- Committed Royalists (made up Lords)
- Republicans who wanted to avoid anarchy but want to restrict Charles' power
- Religion
- establish finance for the King
- £1.2 million needed for Royal expenditure. done by?
- Charles granted customs duties for life
- Crown lands are restored
- Charles had the right to collect excise duties on commodities
- However, only 2/3 of funds needed was given to the monarchy and by end of 1660, Charles was in debt of £1 million
- his feudal taxes also abolished
- £1.2 million needed for Royal expenditure. done by?
- religiously and politically split
- Cavalier Parliament established 1661
- Parliament consisted of a massive Royalist majority who seeked revenge instead of reconciliation
- Venners rising led by a Fifth Monarchist increased fears of radical groups so wanted to crush religious and political instablity
- Finance
- Failure to restore courts meant taxes like ship money disappeared
- Hearth tax 1662
- Parliament consisted of a massive Royalist majority who seeked revenge instead of reconciliation
- Declaration of Breda (April 1660)
- Causes of growing tensions between Crown and Parliament (1664 - 1667)
- Great Plague 1665
- 15% of population dead in London
- Lord Mayor and aldermen remained in London to stop the spread of disease
- watchmen stationed outside infected houses
- searchers looked for dead bodies and brought them to burial site
- led to trade being stopped so many people lost their jobs
- Great fire of London 1666
- 13,200 houses destroyed, 84 Churches and goods valued at £3.5 million also destroyed
- Crown's finances reduced - from £825,000 to £650,000 p/a
- response of Commons
- wanted to find someone to blame, so set up committee to investigate
- Many conspiracy theories that the Dutch did it - lost to Britain a few weeks prior
- Great Plague 1665
- Restoration Settlement (1660 - 1664)
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