Restoration of the monarchy
- Created by: BeccaEK
- Created on: 04-04-15 15:58
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- Restoration of the monarchy
- Reasons for restoration
- Army + Parliament could not agree - distrusted eachother
- Army more powerful but leaders unwilling to set up military dictatorship
- Rise of Quakers worried gentry + landowners
- Threat = minimal but seemed worse at the time
- Economic downturn 1659-1660
- Charles II offered 'Declaration of Breda'
- Settlement = compromise + moderate
- All sides determined not to have another civil war
- Settlement = compromise + moderate
- Army + Parliament could not agree - distrusted eachother
- 1658-1660
- Protectorate of Richard Cromwell Sept 1658-May 1659
- Oliver Cromwell had been only man able to hold together different groups
- Main split = Army and civilians
- Retired as army took over
- Rule by Rump (again) Dec 1659-March 1660
- Situation still deadlocked
- Rump got rid of some army leaders
- Monck re-established Long Parliament
- Readmitted those excluded in Pride's Purge
- Long Parliament dissolved itself in favour of fresh elections
- Readmitted those excluded in Pride's Purge
- Rule by Committee of Safety Oct-Dec 1659
- Led by army leaders in London
- Dissolved itself after a few weeks
- Navy + Irish army declare for Rump
- Rule by restored Rump May-Oct 1659
- Army wanted Godly reform, Rump didn't
- Army leaders dissolve Rump
- Create Committee of Safety instead
- Restoration March-Apr 1669
- New convention parliament met
- Charles issued 'Declaration of Breda'
- Offered general pardon bar few regicides
- Parliament vote him back in + re-establish monarchy
- Protectorate of Richard Cromwell Sept 1658-May 1659
- Restoration Settlement (Monarchy)
- Restrictions of power = ship money still illegal, Courts of star chamber + high commision not restored + feudal rights not restored
- Power of parliament needed curtailing
- Monarchy (not parliament) controlled army - Militia acts 1661+62
- King to appoint own ministers
- Parliament cannot legislate without King
- Triennial Act modified in 1664 - no compulsion to follow it
- Act of Indemnity 1660
- Long way towards healing + settling
- Land confiscated from Crown + Church restored
- Crown to have annual income of £1.2million
- Restoration Settlement (Church)
- Episcopacy reinstated + bishops re-admitted to House of Lords
- Much of pre-war CofE re-instated
- Act of Uniformity 1662 - new prayer book based on Elizabethan prayer
- Conventicle Act 1664 - Illegal to hold meeting of more than 5 unless prayer book used
- Could be seen as victory for church but much legislation not vigorously enforced
- Reasons for restoration
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