Revelations Alvin Ailey Mindmap
- Created by: katmay_porter
- Created on: 11-03-14 21:03
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- Revelations
- Pilgrim of sorrow
- I Been Buked
- Actions
- Deep Plie
- represents pain from Slave Trade
- Arabesques
- Alvin Ailey Arms
- Reaching (out and upwards)
- Deep Plie
- Dynamics
- Slow and Sustained
- Faster interjections
- Black Oppression
- Actions
- Didn't my Lord Deliver Daniel
- Contractions (Martha Graham)
- Tilting and Falls
- Relationships - Trio, Duet + 1, Unison
- Fix me, Jesus
- Actions
- Arabesque Pivots
- Leaning
- Attitudes
- Sustained Ronde de Jambe
- Outwatd Circular Leg Kicks
- Danced by the mother and father fugure in I Been Buked
- Female trust man enitrely poitns of contact limited
- Religion is seen as a safe place
- And as a saviour for them
- Actions
- I Been Buked
- Take Me to the Water
- Wade in the Water
- Props add to the theatrical experience
- Dance shows traditional baptism, down by the river
- Celebratory feel to the music
- Range of fast and slow dynamics
- Women wearing long white dresses tight around the upper body so you can see body movements, with flowing skirted bottoms allows freedom of movement
- Fluisd Body Ripples
- Upper Body Pumps
- Contractions
- Back bends and forward bends
- Baptism
- Action
- Gesture
- Hand Shapes
- Body Ripples
- Arabesque
- Elevation
- Borres (Graham)
- High Releases
- Bigger Variety of Dynamics
- Use of props, silk, parasol, branches
- Action
- I Wanna Be Ready
- Solo
- Horton prominant section
- Variation on T-Shape, arabesque
- Slow Sustained Floor Section - lots of tension, control and power
- Lots of balances
- Moments of stillness
- Praying Gesture
- Not so much travelling
- Always heads back onto the floor and back into himself after reaching out; showing he isnt ready at then end of the dance
- Wade in the Water
- Move Members Move
- Sinner Man
- Lots of running/ changes of direction
- high energy
- 3 Male Dancers
- Usinng a lot of space like Horton
- They are not forgiven, hence the red lighting
- Sections togther then solo sections
- Unison, as well as independant
- Cannon
- Energy and spirituality of Black Church
- unexpected change of patterns
- Leap turns
- Ponches
- High Energy pirouettes
- Kicks
- The Day is past and gone
- Gathering together for Church
- Real people + posture from Aileys Youth
- Women conversing, in clear groups before joining together
- Arm on the back showing they are tired and aching at the end of the day - hard manual labour
- Rocka ma Soul
- Celebratory Finale
- Also done as finale of other pieces
- References other sections
- Finishes ona n uplifiting note
- Whole Ensemble
- Clapping reminiscent of Church
- Untitled
- Sinner Man
- Pilgrim of sorrow
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