Themes in Revengers Tragedy
- Created by: apelham
- Created on: 31-03-17 11:47
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- Revenger's Tragedy
- Lust
- Gloriana is dead due to the Duke's lustful arrogance
- Duke's lust leads to his death when he kisses her skull
- The skull becomes a symbol of desire
- Sexual desire rarely results in an intimate, consenting interaction
- Junior feels it's his right as a man to **** women
- Revenge
- Main body of revenge is in Act 3
- Vindice unsatisfied and needs to continue
- The revenge will not end until everyone is dead
- Chain reaction of events triggered by Vindice seeking revenge for Gloriana
- Duchess sleeps with Spurio out of desire for revenge against the Duke
- Gender
- Women either perceived as promiscuous manipulator or innocent virgin
- PM: Gratiana, Duchess
- IV: Castiza, Gloriana
- Male dominance
- Women either perceived as promiscuous manipulator or innocent virgin
- Patrimony
- The Duke's sons inherit his cruel and conniving nature
- Inheriting something from your father
- Disguise
- Vindice disguised as Piato
- Hippolito pretends to serve the Duke
- Death
- Gloriana's death triggers the events of the play
- Death used as punishment for sin
- Junior dies for his sins, even though it was unintentional
- As does the Duke
- Vindice dies for taking his revenege too far
- Junior dies for his sins, even though it was unintentional
- Lust
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