Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964
- Created by: mayajaanvi4
- Created on: 25-06-18 09:48
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- Revolution?
- coup d'etat
- overthrow the Provisional Govt
- they had to fight to retain power
- problems with the economy
- War Communism - NEP
- End of WW1 - Treaty of Brest Litovsk
- Civil War
- elections to Constituent Assembly won by SRs
- closed by lenin
- problems with the economy
- they had to fight to retain power
- overthrow the Provisional Govt
- Long Term
- Structural change
- Social
- Economy
- Political
- Structural change
- coup d'etat
- revolution really comes under Stalin
- 'the Red Tsar'
- 'the gravedigger of the revolution'
- Social Revolutionary Party
- main power based in rural Russia
- Plasant supported
- main power based in rural Russia
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