Rise of Nazis
- Created by: Jasmin
- Created on: 05-05-13 11:21
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- Rise of Nazis
- Elections in 1930
- Chancellor Heirich Bruning couldnt control Reichstag - big increase for seats for both Nazis and communists
- Bruning had to rule by emergency decree as no single party had enough seats to control Reichstag
- Hindenburg refused to give Nazis power
- Appointed inexperienced Franz von Papen
- 230 seat Reichstag - Hitler
- Nazis lost seats
- Lost 34 in 1932
- Hindenburg appointed Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor
- Schleicher tried to cause divisions in Nazi Party by asking another Nazi to become chancellor
- Gregor Strasser but Hitler stopped him accepting
- Hindenburg gave in - Hitler Chancellor 1933
- Gregor Strasser but Hitler stopped him accepting
- Schleicher tried to cause divisions in Nazi Party by asking another Nazi to become chancellor
- Nazis did well in elections because
- Controlled new media
- Opposition meetings banned
- Used SA to terorise opponents
- Fire in Reichstag Hitler said communists started it, created opposition - Communists arrested
- Hitler allowed emergency decree to deal with situation - used these powers to intimidate communist votes
- Elections in 1930
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