Rise of the Nazis
Reasons/figures for Nazis' rise to power in 1930-1933
- Created by: Madeleine Banatvala
- Created on: 06-01-15 13:21
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- Rise of the Nazis
- Hitler and the Nazis
- Hitler characteristics
- great
orator, propaganda ( he could easily persuade people e.g Goebbles)
- 1932: Hitler came 2nd to Hindenburg in the presidential election = with 36.8% of the vote
- great
orator, propaganda ( he could easily persuade people e.g Goebbles)
- Increase in votes
- 1928 the NSDAP = 2.6% of the votes.
- wide range of voters
- 1929 Young Plan
- 1929 Nov: 19,000 new members joined the NSDAP
- Radical aims + 25-point programme
- Anti-semitism
- "Marxism is a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the World" - Hitler in Mein Kampf
- Anti-communism
- Radical aims + 25-point programme
- Anti-semitism
- "Marxism is a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the World" - Hitler in Mein Kampf
- Anti-communism
- Anti-communism
- "Marxism is a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the World" - Hitler in Mein Kampf
- reject TofV
- Opposition of the Young plan
- Anti-semitism
- Radical aims + 25-point programme
- Anti-communism
- "Marxism is a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the World" - Hitler in Mein Kampf
- reject TofV
- Opposition of the Young plan
- Anti-semitism
- Hitler characteristics
- Decline of Weimar
- Wall Street Crash
- 1930 = 4m 1932 = 6m unemployed
- System of PR
- unstable coalitions = 25 govs in 14 years
- Wall Street Crash
- Hitler and the Nazis
- Nazis involvement in campaign against...
- 1929 Young Plan
- 1929 Nov: 19,000 new members joined the NSDAP
- Opened up a the treasure trove of Hugenburg's media empire to Nazi propaganda
- great
orator, propaganda ( he could easily persuade people e.g Goebbles)
- 1932: Hitler came 2nd to Hindenburg in the presidential election = with 36.8% of the vote
- great
orator, propaganda ( he could easily persuade people e.g Goebbles)
- 1929 Young Plan
- 1930 the NSDAP = 18.3% of the votes.
- 1928 the NSDAP = 2.6% of the votes.
- 1933 the NSDAP = 43.9% of the votes.
- 1930 the NSDAP = 18.3% of the votes.
- 1930 the NSDAP = 18.3% of the votes.
- 1931: 5 major banks crashed.
- Wall Street Crash
- 1930 = 4m 1932 = 6m unemployed
- Wall Street Crash
- 1931: +20,000 German businesses shut down
- the middle class were under pressure
- 4 national elections during 1930-33
- System of PR
- unstable coalitions = 25 govs in 14 years
- System of PR
- Hindenburg + Von Papen believed they could control Hitler
- They handed Hitler Germany on a silver platter
- Hitler and the Nazis
- Hitler characteristics
- Increase in votes
- wide range of voters
- Hitler characteristics
- Impacts of WSC
- Decreased trade
- Cutbacks in production + consumption
- Increased unemployment
- Radical political agitation
- Widespread frustration
- Impacts of WSC
- Decreased trade
- Cutbacks in production + consumption
- Increased unemployment
- Radical political agitation
- Impacts of WSC
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