Drought Case Study
- Created by: Ellome Anistan
- Created on: 14-06-18 21:38
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- Drought
- Developing Country: Namibia
- Impact on people
- 2013 was drought for 30 years
- 1 in 3 people at risk of malnutrition
- 778,000 people severely food insecure
- Harvest yield 42% less than 2012 => severe food shortage
- Wells dried up
- Impact on the Environment
- great impact on savannah ecosystem
- Changed to inedible grasses
- Areas changing from savannah grasslands => deserts => lack of rainfall
- Cattle can't graze on this grass
- Responses by the Government
- In May, President declared state of emergency
- $ 1 million requested in international support
- £13 million pledged for worst-hit households
- Ministry of Agriculture said to farmers => sell livestock => pay transportation to emergency grazing area
- Responses by organisations
- UNICEF appealed for $17 million for women and children
- International Red Cross for $1.5 million
- Algeria donated $1 million in food aid
- Responses by Individuals
- Farmers forced to sell livestock
- People migrated to towns in search of work
- 350 people in a village left to search for water and grazing land for their cattle
- Impact on people
- Developed Country: California
- Impact on People
- Farmers use 80% of water => no water
- Crops die
- Fewer crops
- Less food for people
- 17000 jobs in farming lost
- Prices rose by 6%
- Farmers use 80% of water => no water
- Impact on Environment
- Wildfires
- No fishing
- No salmon if water is warm
- Better grape harvest => better wine
- Responses by Organisations
- New laws to prevent water on tables in restaurants
- Hotel guests reuse towels => less washing
- Developing better methods of coping
- Responses by Individuals
- Farmers pumped water for extra $453
- Asked to use water sparingly
- Farmers planted fewer crops
- Impact on People
- Developing Country: Namibia
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