Role of an Occupational Therapist (OT) providing care and support for children with learning disabilities
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 27-03-22 21:26
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- Role of an OT providing care and support for children with learning disabilities
- Assess children's physical, learning, and sensory skills and their impact on daily life through observation, discussion and gathering information from the individual and others
- Give advice to family on ways to manage learning disabilitily
- Provide care and support relevant to improving independence/develop children's life skills e.g. catch a bus or play football with friends, thus empowering individuals
- Provide service users with aids e.g. special cutlery
- Develop structures and routines that promote a child's independence and well-being
- Provide equipment and organising environmental adaptions e.g. making sure school desk/seat are at optimal height for best learning environment
- Write reports and document service user's progress in learning and development
- Liaise with other professionals e.g. social worker. May attend a case conference to contribute to care planning for service users ensuring individual needs are met
- Support children to take part in activities (occupations) that promote their health and well-being, including access to inclusive sport and leisure clubs. May organise work placements
- Provide training to help others understand and support children with learning disabilities
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