Role of Education in Society
- Created by: palle
- Created on: 24-02-20 12:38
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- Functionalist
- Durkheim (1903)- Education helps create a sense of solidarity (individuals working together to make up a community) and it helps society by sharing same norms and values in order to achieve shared goals. In both school and at work, we would have to interact with people
- Specialist skills- Durkheim also believed that education had provided society with specialist skills in order to perform certain roles which benefit society as well as enables them to play their part in social division of labour
- Meritocracy- Parsons: 'focal socialising agency' acting as a bridge in between family and the wider society. He believes that a child's status is ascribed from birth and both school and a wider society would judge us by the same universalistic and impersonal standards (same laws applying to everyone). Similarly in school and the wider society, a person's status is largely achieved, not ascribed.
- Role Allocation- Davis and Moore: Schools perform the function of selecting and allocating pupils to future workplaces by assessing the individual abilities and skills. They focus on the relationship between education and social inequalities. They say inequalities are important as they would need more talented people to perform more important roles- education helps pick out smartest and best graded people.
- EVALUATION 1) Education system doesn't teach specialised skills and quality apprenticeships are rare 2) not enough evidence that equal opportunities in education exist 3) Tumin- How do we know that the specific job is important? 4) Marxists argue that education in capitalist society only transmits the ideology of the minority 5) Wrong-Functionalists view people as 'puppets' of society 6) Neoliberalism and New Right argue that education fails to adequately prepare young people for work
- Durkheim (1903)- Education helps create a sense of solidarity (individuals working together to make up a community) and it helps society by sharing same norms and values in order to achieve shared goals. In both school and at work, we would have to interact with people
- Neoliberalism and New Right
- Neoliberals argue that the state shouldn't provider services such as education, health and welfare and they argue that the states should not dictate individuals on how to dispose of own property and government should encourage competition
- New Right believes that the state cannot meet people's needs and people are fit to meet own needs from the free market. Both functionalists and new rights believes that - people are naturally more talented than others - education system runs on a meritocratic principles with open competition - education should socialise pupils into shared values such as competition, instilling a sense of national identity
- Untitled
- Functionalist
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