Roles of a Classroom Assistant in providing care and support for children with learning disabilities
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 25-03-22 10:01
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- Role of Classroom Assistant in providing care and support for children with learning disabilities
- Help pupils understand instructions and school work
- Providing positive feedback, building confidence, helping them feel proud of their progress, boosting self-esteem, helps motivate pupils to reach their potential
- May help pupil if there are physical difficulties e.g. mobility, toileting, dressing, getting around school
- Provide one-to-one support, promoting understanding and encouraging independence
- Behavioural difficulties e.g. ADHD: help identify what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and develop strategies to increase appropriate behaviour through positive reinforcement
- Help the child to interact with and co-operate with other children in school
- Provide a safe and healthy environment by following all safeguarding procedures. They have a duty to report any concerns to the teacher, to be passed on to social services, e.g. if they feel whether a child is at risk/suffering from abuse at home
- Work with professionals such as speech therapists and physio-therapists, recording observations of childrens communications and interactions with their peer group, and completing exercises, promoting physical and communication skills
- Maintain classroom records/notes regarding progress of all children they are responsible for. Help to show progress of children and can be shared with parents and other professionals as required. Feed into IEPs/complete reports which form part of the assessment and progress of child at the end of academic year
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