Roman Britain
- Created by: rebeccamartin
- Created on: 24-05-16 19:38
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- Roman Britain
- Communications
- The Roman army built roads
- These roads let people pass on ideas and discoveries quickly
- Regular change of officials kept Britain up-to-date with ideas
- The Roman army built roads
- Army
- Needed a good standard of health
- Fort hospitals made for soldiers, but the public usually could not use them
- During peace time they would build roads, baths, sewers etc..
- Needed a good standard of health
- Government
- Organised taxes to pay for projects
- Organised the army to build public health projects
- Made central decisions
- It was very important that there was structure to the public health systems, otherwise they would not work
- Individuals
- Galen
- Produced over 350 texts about medicine and surgery
- Claimed he had perfected the Ancient Greek ideas
- People believed him and saw no reason to develop medicine
- Worked in the second century
- Strongly believed in bloodletting
- Invented the Theory of Opposities
- Linked to the Four Humours
- If a person had too much phlegm, which is linked to water and cold, you should eat hot peppers, as they are hot and dry
- Hippocrates
- Although he died around 375BC, he was very important to Roman medicine
- Galen
- Treatment
- There were very few doctors
- Most illnesses were treated at home using family remedies
- People who could afford them were treated at home
- Fort hospitals
- Often well equipped
- Provided excellent training to doctors
- Often didn't treat ordinary people
- Many people still visited temples
- People visited public baths as it was believed they held healing powers
- There were very few doctors
- Medicine
- Most remedies were made of herbs and plants, but some also included oils
- Public Health
- Miasma
- The belief that disease was caused by bad air
- Romans noticed that disase seemed to increase near marshes and swamps
- The belief that disease was caused by bad air
- Baths
- Admission was cheap enough for most people to use it daily
- A place for people to meet for both pleasure and business
- Provided the means for people to keep clean
- The Roman government realised that
- Clean water
- Dirty water and disease were linked together
- Aqueducts were made to carry clean water to towns and cities
- The pipes were made of lead, so the water was actually midlytoxic
- Aqueducts were made to carry clean water to towns and cities
- Sanitaton
- Sewage systems were built to take away waste
- This waste was dumped into rivers
- When water supply was low, waste built up and disease was made more likely
- Sewage systems were built to take away waste
- Dirty water and disease were linked together
- Miasma
- Communications
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