Crime and Punishment | Roman Britian - Society, Law, Crime, Punishments and Law Enforcement
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?- Created by: samantha cassar
- Created on: 27-05-13 19:20
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- Roman Britian
- Roman Law
- Roman society may seem different from modern-day Britain, but their laws are familiar
- The parts of Britain ruled by Rome had one central system of law and law enforcement
- Laws were written down and displayed so people knew them
- Suspects were considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trail in court where evidence had been presented
- Roman society may seem different from modern-day Britain, but their laws are familiar
- Law Enforcement
- Roman legions were in charge of dealing with riots and disorder
- People reported a crime to a local centurion - he would decide if it should go to court
- Victims of crime had to take the suspect to the centurion
- Very serious crimes were tried by the roman governor of britain
- Smaller crimes were judged by the roman officials (called magistrates) in local courts
- Victims of crime had to gather evidence to present to the centurion, then the court
- Roman Society
- Roman society was hierarchical, patriarchal and unequal
- Hierarchical
- The wealthy at the top and slaves at the bottom
- Patriarchal
- Women, children and slaves obeyed male head of family
- Unequal
- Poverty led to crime. The wealthy had all the power
- Hierarchical
- Roman society was hierarchical, patriarchal and unequal
- Types of Crimes
- Against property
- Petty theft
- selling underweight goods
- burglary
- Against the person
- Street violence
- murder
- Against authority
- plotting against the emperor
- refusing to conform to the official state religion
- Against property
- Punishments
- People were punished according to whether they were man or woman, citizen or non-citizen or slave
- The death penalty was used often under Roman rule. Punishments include:
- Flogging and beating
- repaying the cost of stolen goods
- cutting off limbs
- being sent into exile
- being forced to become a gladiator
- Execution
- crucifixion
- being thrown to the lions
- Roman Law