Romeo and Juliet themes
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: lauren starkie
- Created on: 06-03-18 08:07
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- Romeo and Juliet.
- Death
- Mercucio
- "they have made worms meat out of me"
- show the consequence of vilonces
- graphic imagery made.
- the fatal wound is causing him lots of pain and suffering the same feeling Romeo will have when he fines Juliet dead but it will be mentally not physical
- "they have made worms meat out of me"
- Mercucio
- Love
- romeos love for juliets
- "arise fair sun and kill the envious moon"
- through out the play we see Romeo confesses his love to Juliet by comparing her to the sun and rosiline to the moon. so this personification shows Romeos love for Rosaline, portrayed as the moon being killed by his love for Juliet.
- show the strength of Romeos love for Juliet.
- shows the theme of light and dark
- romeo is seen as a marter of love
- he use extended metaphors to describe his beauty
- This holy shrine
- "arise fair sun and kill the envious moon"
- romeos love for rosoline
- "this love feel I, that feels no love in this"
- oxymoron-shows the contrast between his feelings as if he is having an inner conflict between his feelings
- he is under a spell of love.
- shows his hatred for the feeling of love. describing the bitter sweet love
- the language also represents the on going conflict between the families.
- Feather of lead, bright smoke
- Romeo use oxymorons to describe his love for Rosaline
- the writer combines two things that are opposite
- shows confusion love causes and how love causes more grief than it does happiness.
- he uses opposites show how they will never join together
- almost as if he feels like hes in a dream
- he hate love but is under some tipe of spell
- Romeo use oxymorons to describe his love for Rosaline
- "this love feel I, that feels no love in this"
- romeos love for juliets
- Violence
- Tybalt
- "talk of peace? I hate the word ... as I hate hell, all montagues and thee."
- language come off as aggressive
- theme of religion something extremely important to them at the time. so shows the passion in his hatred
- believes fighting will resolve all issues
- "talk of peace? I hate the word ... as I hate hell, all montagues and thee."
- prologue
- "Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean"
- repeating the word civil emphasize the double meaning that it is a dispute between two groups of civilians, and in another, that civil also can mean people who would normally act civilly, or respectably.
- the blood of the innocents is on there hands.
- "Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean"
- "these violent delights have violent ends."
- Benvolio
- "we shall not escape this brawl"
- for sees the future.
- "we shall not escape this brawl"
- romeo
- "fire ey fury"
- his actions are being lead by his anger and can not be controlled.
- also relates to the heat of the day.
- "fire ey fury"
- Tybalt
- poverty
- Apothecary
- "My poverty, but not my will, consents."
- the inner conflict shows that he feeling pressure in to doing mething that he knows is wrong.
- his role in the play could be seen as ironic as an apothecary job is to help people and to give medicine.
- just like Romeo he makes impulse and does what is wanted not what is write.
- show the lack of control the law have
- can clearly see the difference between the apothecary and the friar who is also a man of medicine.
- "My poverty, but not my will, consents."
- Apothecary
- Fate
- Romeo
- "I defy you stars"
- shows romeos hatred and anger towards fate.
- star have predicted his destiny, linking to the prologue " star crossed lovers"
- "I defy you stars"
- Romeo
- parents
- "my daughter is yet a stranger in this world"
- Religion
- "snowy dove"
- Romeo uses it to describe Juliet suggesting she is pure and holy.
- dove are something that is not seen on an every day, therefor it suggest that her beauty is to precious for every day use and is to valuable for this world
- romeos love for juliets
- "arise fair sun and kill the envious moon"
- through out the play we see Romeo confesses his love to Juliet by comparing her to the sun and rosiline to the moon. so this personification shows Romeos love for Rosaline, portrayed as the moon being killed by his love for Juliet.
- show the strength of Romeos love for Juliet.
- shows the theme of light and dark
- romeo is seen as a marter of love
- he use extended metaphors to describe his beauty
- This holy shrine
- "arise fair sun and kill the envious moon"
- "snowy dove"
- context
- sonnet is used through out the poem
- set in 1590 in Verona
- women were looked down upon and there for have little control on there life's
- Death