Rs Unit 3 edexcel
- Created by: alexa
- Created on: 30-04-14 16:41
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- Rs Unit 3
- 3.1 Believing in God
- 3.1.1 The main features of a catholic upbringing
- 3.1.2 How religious experience may lead to belief in God
- 3.1.3 The argument for design and belief in God
- 3.1.4 The argument from causation and belief in God
- 3.1.5 Scientific explanations of the world
- 3.1.6 How catholics respond to scientific explanations of the world
- 3.1.7 Why unanswered prayers may lead to atheism
- 3.1.8 How cathiolics respond to unanswered prayers
- 3.1.9 Why evil and suffering may lead to atheism
- 3.1.10 How catholics respond to the problem of evil and suffering
- 3.2 Matters of Life and Death
- 3.2.1 why catholics believe in life after death and how it affects their lives
- 3.2.2 Non-religious reasons for believing in life after death
- 3.2.3 Why some people dont believe in life after death
- 3.2.4 The nature of abortion
- 3.2.5 Different christian attitudes to abortion
- 3.2.6 The nature of euthanasia
- 3.2.7 Christian attitudes to euthanasia
- 3.2.10 The causes of world poverty
- 3.2.11 How and why CAFOD is trying to remove the causes of world poverty
- 3.3 Marriage and the Family
- 3.3.1 Changing attitudes in the UK
- 3.3.2 Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage
- 3.3.3 The purpose of marriage in Catholic Christianity
- 3.3.4 Christian attitudes to divorce
- 3.3.5 Why family life is important for catholics
- 3.3.6 How parishes help with the upbringing of children
- 3.3.7 How catholic parishes help to keep families together
- 3.3.8 Christian attitudes to homosexuality
- 3.3.9 Different methods of contraception
- 3.3.10 Different christian attitudes to contraception
- 3.4 Religion and Community Cohesion
- 3.4.1 How and why attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed
- 3.4.2 Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women
- 3.4.3 The nature of the UK as a multi-ethnic society
- 3.4.4 Government action to promote community cohesion in UK
- 3.4.5 Why catholics should help to promote racial harmony
- 3.4.6 The work of the catholic church to help asylum seekers and immigrant workers
- 3.4.7 The UK as a multi-faith society
- 3.4.8 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to other religions
- 3.4.9 Issues raised for religion by a multi-faith society
- 3.4.10 Ways to promote community cohesion
- 3.1 Believing in God
- 3.4 Religion and Community Cohesion
- 3.4.1 How and why attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed
- 3.4.2 Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women
- 3.4.3 The nature of the UK as a multi-ethnic society
- 3.4.4 Government action to promote community cohesion in UK
- 3.4.5 Why catholics should help to promote racial harmony
- 3.4.6 The work of the catholic church to help asylum seekers and immigrant workers
- 3.4.7 The UK as a multi-faith society
- 3.4.8 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to other religions
- 3.4.9 Issues raised for religion by a multi-faith society
- 3.4.10 Ways to promote community cohesion
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