Rural Life in Early Modern Europe IV
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 18-05-18 17:30
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- Rural Life in Early Modern Europe IV: extract from Samuel Hartlib, 'The Compleat Husband-Man: or, A discourse of the
whole art of husbandry; both forraign and domestick' (1659)
- Places mentioned by Hartlib
- Saltmarsh at Hole Haven in Essex
- Isle of Axholme in north-west Lincolnshire
- Fens of south Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdon
- Brill in Buckinghamshire Chilterns
- Romney Marsh in Kent
- Participants in Axholme
- All upper-class people
- Sir Philip Vernatti
- Cavelleum Avis
- Corneius Vermuyden
- All upper-class people
- Agricultural Improvement in Hartlib's day
- Growing population puts pressure on land
- Landowners keen to exploit their estates
- Problem of 'the poor' often linked to survival of waste
- Great admiration of Dutch and Flemish improvements
- Why did the ideas of theoretical writers, like Hartlib, on improvemed farming run ahead of practice?
- Rural population quite conservative
- Money was major constraining force for estate-owners and landowners
- Who objected to improvements and why?
- People on the ground
- Landless people
- Resistance in Axholm
- Wider attack on their way of life
- e.g. communal farmer, shooting wild fowl, fish
- Wider attack on their way of life
- Resistance in parts of Lincolnshire
- What gains to society did such improvements bring?
- Growth of bigger farms
- Bigger estates had money for improvements
- Capital resources to improve farms
- Increased food production
- Arable farming
- Better understanding of manuring and soils
- Why were continental precedents so much admired in England in this period?
- Dutch
- Royalists (exiled to Holland following civil war) admired their farming system
- Fellow protestants
- Dutch
- Places mentioned by Hartlib
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