Russian Cult of Personality
- Created by: Jacob Keyte
- Created on: 12-05-15 18:51
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- Russia Cult of Personality
- There shouldn't be a cult of personality because hen it wouldn't be communism because that Stalin wanted power for himself and not for the people
- Propaganda
- Manipulated Lenin's death uses Films to attract the nation
- Lenin was hailed as a hero of the revolution, and images appeared everywhere
- Indicated that propaganda was a tool of leadership rather then serving the needs of Socialism
- Manipulated Lenin's death uses Films to attract the nation
- Stalin was made to see like a worker as man of the people
- Propaganda
- Manipulated Lenin's death uses Films to attract the nation
- Lenin was hailed as a hero of the revolution, and images appeared everywhere
- Indicated that propaganda was a tool of leadership rather then serving the needs of Socialism
- Manipulated Lenin's death uses Films to attract the nation
- Propaganda
- Russian peopled adored there "little Father" as they liked a strong leader
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