Russian revolution (1905 compared to 1917)
- Created by: finley9000
- Created on: 13-11-19 09:09
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- 1905 revolution compared to 1917 revolution
- 1917
- Revolution was almost a necessity, people would starve otherwise
- Occurred in the middle of a huge war
- Country was unstable
- Tsar had limited power
- Dumas, etc
- Petrograd soviet controlled the railways and the army
- Urban and rural unrest
- Inefficient agricultural industry
- Famine
- Increased levels of conscription
- Inflation
- bread was 500% more expensive
- 200%
- Wages down by 50%
- Workers strike
- 1905
- Political
- Not unified
- Had limited affect
- Tsarism still existed after the revolution
- Message wasn't consistant
- People wanted different things
- October Manifesto
- Basic civil rights
- Elected parliament called the Duma
- 1917
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