Alexander III (1881 - 1894)
- Created by: RHC75
- Created on: 20-03-14 12:42
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- Alexander III (1881 - 1894)
- Nicholas II
- Sergei Witte
- 1892 - 1903
- The Great Spurt
- Hard head conservative
- industrialisation
- Essential for strategic and political reasons
- Strategic reasons
- Produce high quality amaments
- Improve Russia's transport system
- Political Reasons
- Strengthen Tsarist regime
- A wealthy Russia could reduce the peasants tax burden
- Strategic reasons
- Essential for strategic and political reasons
- 1892 - 1903
- Sergei Witte
- Repression
- chief minister
- Masterminded Alexander III manifesto
- Absolute authority in the Tsar
- Statute of State Security
- Control over the courts
- trial without Jury
- Exile/Executions
- Control over the courts
- Power of the Okhrana
- Press censorship
- Land Captains
- chief minister
- Reform
- Needed to modernise Russia
- Nikolai Bunge
- 1882 - 1887
- Decrease tax burden of peasants
- Peasant Land Banks
- Ivan Vyshnegradsky
- 1887 - 1889
- Financial incentive to migrate
- Foreign loans
- foundations laid for rapid economic development
- Impact
- coal, oil and iron increased
- In cities population increased
- Natural resources exploited
- military power developed
- Russia still lagged behind other Great Powers
- Russia became dependant on foreign loans
- poor living and working conditions = social unrest
- Untitled
- coal, oil and iron increased
- Nicholas II
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