S1 revision
- Created by: Gina
- Created on: 19-11-13 20:07
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- S1 revision
- Mode: Value that occurs mosr frequently
- Median: Middle value when the data is put in order
- Mean: Total of values divided by total frequency
- Mean= sum of x/n
- Coding: y=x-a/b where a is the modal groups middle value and b is the smallest range from the groups
- Grouped data is continuous so is not rounded
- Discrete data is not continuous so is rounded to the nearest 0.5th
- Q1=n/4 Q2=3n/4 IQR=Q3-Q1
- Interpercentilerange= Pm-Pn where Px=xnth/100 term
- Interpolation: using the range diagram to find, Q1, Q2 or Q3
- Varience=sumof x^2/n -(sum of x/n)^2
- Standard devaition= square root of variance
- Stem Leaf diagram: Don't forget a key! Used with discrete data
- Outlier= greater than Q3+1.5(Q3-Q1) or less than Q1-1.5(Q3-Q1)
- Frequency = Frequency density x class width
- FRank Feeds Cows
- Skew
- Positive skew: Q2-Q1 < Q3-Q2 mean>median>mode
- Untitled
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