Sampling techniques - T1
- Created by: Molly Eliza Wood
- Created on: 22-03-16 21:21
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- Sampling techniques - T1
- Definitions
- Population
- Number of organisms of a species in a certain area.
- Community
- Population of organisms that live together and interact live in the same are.
- Relationship
- Interaction between organisms that live together and affect each other.
- Distribution
- Detail of where species are found over the total area where they occur.
- Population
- Techniques
- Pooters
- Transect lines
- Organisms that touch tape counted.
- Pitfall traps
- Quadrats
- Define an area. Organisms counted then multiplied by total area of the habitat.
- Nets
- Capture-recapture
- Method
- 3. Recapture and count second sample in same area.
- 2. Release them.
- 4. Count total number recaptured.
- 1. Capture sample. Mark and count.
- Population size = number in 1st x number in second / number in 2nd previously marked.
- Assumptions
- Sampling method used is the same.
- Marking does not affect survival.
- No death, immigration or emigration has occurred.
- Method
- Definitions
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