AQA psychology unit 4 mind map sz
- Created by: Shantelle Panchal
- Created on: 29-03-13 18:13
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- Schizophrenia
- Classification and diagnosis
- ICD 10
- 10 catagories
- 7 subtypes
- 5 axes
- 5 subtypes
- Symptoms and characterstics
- ICD 10
- Biological explanations
- Nearoanatomical
- Biochemical
- Dopamine hypothesis
- Genetic
- Adoption studies
- Twin studies
- Family studies
- Viral infections
- Substance abuse
- Diathesis stress model
- Biological therapies
- Drugs
- Psychological explanations
- Expressed emotion
- Psychosocial factors
- Socio economic status
- Migrant populations
- Family relationships
- schizophrenogenic families
- Double bind hypothesis
- marital schism
- Psychological therapies
- Classification and diagnosis
- 10 catagories
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