
  • Created by: Fi Wil
  • Created on: 04-06-14 15:38
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  • Schizophrenia
    • Classification
      • 1- inter-rate: Beck- 54% clinic aggre- Janet Frame, 2-Theory cons (induc) Rosenham-psudopatients, Schneider- 1st rank-symp 3-Culture doc; China USSR- social deviance 4- Stigma- Individ diff- educate pub, 5-Methodolo class; Fam reports, skewed; Esher: Symptoms dimen-categorical/large. individ diff taken to account.
    • Biological exp
      • 1-Definit x2 Schizo confirmed if abnormal preceed onset. Brown:Decre brain weight, enlarge ventricles, Basil gang- Hallucinat, Hippocamp- memory, prom in neg sypm= evidence for two types
      • 2- Wood: 79 high 49 low- High= Smaller hipocamp- diagnosis? corr v cau, Free- reduced suff, N V N- drinking App: vaccination
    • Biological treatments
      • 1- Anti-psy: Chloropozamine-CPZ: Inhibit D2 recep, Atypical- combat + symp- claim - symp. 2- Effect: Relapse rate corr seriousness, Atypical methods decre- Tardis dysksensia- Appropriateness?  Alt- ECT: symptom: reduced, Appro: Death/brain dam?- Psych better?
      • *Psych as sci-placebo *Dopamine hyp- causal *cure- treat symptom? *Fw vs d - dimin, * culutral
    • Psychological therapies
      • 1-CBT:awareness, devel alt/maladap thoughts, drury- 20% improve, + symp redu, Physchodyn: Uncons mind, alliance, progress. 2- Effec: Gould: signif decr,App:Negative symp- help? Effect:Fenton: lacks empiric, May: Contr:good anti-psy med. App: APA-  combined approach
    • Psychological treatments
      • 2- + Tienera: Poor genet makeup, poor rela- diathesis, +Berger: contradict= increase risk, -Hall: No fam influe risk?  *NVN- Tiern looks both, *Psych- Berger lak def, object, emper, *ethics-blam  Psychodym: Pre-ego stage devel, Klein +critical per, Alt: Talking therapy +dugs?


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