Ib Psychology Socio cultural LoA
- Created by: Jessie lenney
- Created on: 27-03-13 13:45
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- Culture and cultural norms
- •“ A set of attitudes, behaviours, and symbols shared by a large group of people and usually communicated from one generation to the next” (Shiraev & Levy, 2004)
- •“ A unique meaning and information system, shared by a group and transmitted across generations, that allows the group to meet basic needs of survival, pursue happiness and well-being, and derive meaning from life” Matsumoto & Juang, 2008)
- Sterotypes
- Cohen (1981)- Women eating dinner video
- Augoustinos et al (2006) “ a stereotype is a type of schema, with all the properties of schema’s”
- Situational and dispositional
- Dispositional
- Costa and Mccrae- Five factor model
- Situational
- Bandura (1965) Bobo Doll
- Milgrim (1963) -Obedience
- Dispositional
- Principles
- •The
social and cultural
environment influences individual behaviour
- Asch (1951)-Line test
- Asch (1955) Group Size influence
- •We
construct our
conceptions of the individual and social self
- Aronson et al (2010)-Sterotypes
- Augoustinos et al (2006) “ a stereotype is a type of schema, with all the properties of schema’s”
- •We want connectedness
with, and a sense of belonging to, others
- Tajfel et al (1971)- Kandinsky or Klee
- •The
social and cultural
environment influences individual behaviour
- Etics and emics
- Depression in different cultures (see etics and emics crib sheet)
- Social learning theory
- Tapper and Horne (2004)- Peer modeling to increase children's fruit consumtion
- Bandura (1965)
- Culture and cultural norms
- Social learning theory
- Tapper and Horne (2004)- Peer modeling to increase children's fruit consumtion
- Bandura (1965)
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