Section 1 Industry 1783 - 1812
- Created by: ocottington
- Created on: 21-05-18 15:02
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- Section 1 Industry 1783 - 1812
- Society
- Middle
- the new emerging middle class was created
- this started the age of consumerism and therefore stimulated the economy
- the new emerging middle class was created
- Upper
- were content with the current state of British politics
- consisted of those who were born into wealth, the aristocracy and wealthy land owners
- Labouring rural
- they experienced a boom in demand for wheat whilst the French wars were going on due to the trade blockades put up by Napoleon
- However when the wars were over and the blockades were lifted foreign grain flooded the market and agriculture experienced a depression
- they experienced a boom in demand for wheat whilst the French wars were going on due to the trade blockades put up by Napoleon
- Labouring urban
- Many were migrating from urban areas to the bigger towns and cities to find more prosperity
- this sudden surge of migrating citizens caused a rush for housing
- back to back housing was created and the big cities like Manchester and Liverpool quickly became overcrowded
- this overcrowding caused poor living conditions and a rapid spread of disease
- back to back housing was created and the big cities like Manchester and Liverpool quickly became overcrowded
- The majority of them then were employed in the large new factories
- although they were earning a better wage than in the rural areas on farms, wages were low, hours were long and conditions were often dangerous and staining
- this sudden surge of migrating citizens caused a rush for housing
- Many were migrating from urban areas to the bigger towns and cities to find more prosperity
- General
- majority of the population were living in poverty
- French wars began in 1789
- british involvement began in 1793 after the execution of louis XIV
- this caused a scare amongst the government as they thought the population would be influenced by it
- the irish rebellion led by wolftone began in 1798
- Tom Paine's 'the rights of man' was published in favour of the revolution
- 1805 nelson's victory at the battle of trafalgar
- this caused a scare amongst the government as they thought the population would be influenced by it
- british involvement began in 1793 after the execution of louis XIV
- Thomas Hardy's London corresponding society was set up in 1792
- Act of union caused upset amongst the irish as they were promised catholic emancipation as a result and then the promise didn't follow through
- Middle
- Economy
- General
- Britain was in the process of industrialisation, economy was developing in ways that it hadn't before
- Agriculture
- enclosure quickened the pace of agricultural development. It resulted in higher crop yield and healthier live stock
- However in some ways enclosure wasn't beneficial as it led to low wages and the demoralisation of many farm labourers.
- transport
- Canals were a new method of effective transport for large and bulky goods. the 1780's was the height of the canal era
- However the canals were difficult and expensive to build and were often slow to operate.
- iron & coal
- Coal was essential to the industrialisation as it was a cheap source of fuel for machines and transport
- it led to the mechanisation of many industries including the textile
- Technological advancements required iron. it gave a boost to the industry also.
- Coal was essential to the industrialisation as it was a cheap source of fuel for machines and transport
- textile
- Power loom 1789, revolutionised the textile industry. Became mechanised
- General
- politics
- Tories
- Pitt is invited into office by the ling after the dismissal of the north-fox coalition in 1783
- 1801 Addington comes in after Pitt resigns over the act of union debacle
- 1804 Pitt comes in again until his death in 06
- 07 Grenville resigns and Portland comes in
- 09 Percival comes in and his period in office coincides with a period of economic depression
- 1812 Liverpool comes in and is in office for 15 years.
- 09 Percival comes in and his period in office coincides with a period of economic depression
- 06 Grenville is invited to form a whig administration by the king
- 07 Grenville resigns and Portland comes in
- 09 Percival comes in and his period in office coincides with a period of economic depression
- 1812 Liverpool comes in and is in office for 15 years.
- 09 Percival comes in and his period in office coincides with a period of economic depression
- 07 Grenville resigns and Portland comes in
- 07 Grenville resigns and Portland comes in
- 1804 Pitt comes in again until his death in 06
- 1801 Addington comes in after Pitt resigns over the act of union debacle
- Pitt is invited into office by the ling after the dismissal of the north-fox coalition in 1783
- policies
- Pitt
- sinking fund and anglo-fench trade treaty in 1786
- consolidation and hovering act in 1787
- friendly societies and catholic relief act in 1793
- 94 Habeas corpus suspended
- 95 treasonable practices and seditious meetings act
- 98 defence of the realm act and introduction of income tax
- 99 combination acts
- 1800 act of union
- 99 combination acts
- 98 defence of the realm act and introduction of income tax
- 95 treasonable practices and seditious meetings act
- 94 Habeas corpus suspended
- friendly societies and catholic relief act in 1793
- consolidation and hovering act in 1787
- Grenville
- abolition of Britains involvement in the slave trade
- sinking fund and anglo-fench trade treaty in 1786
- Pitt
- Whigs
- 06 Grenville is invited to form a whig administration by the king
- 06 Grenville is invited to form a whig administration by the king
- General
- This section is mainly dominated by the tory party.
- there is a constitutional monarchy in Britain
- people believed that the monarchy ruled through divine right
- the system is based on patronage
- only the rich and influential had the vote
- the political system represented less than 3% of the population
- only the rich and influential had the vote
- Representation of the consistencies was all over the place
- the system was filled with rotten and pocket boroughs
- caused corruption in the government as MP's of rotten boroughs would easily gain power in parliament
- the system was filled with rotten and pocket boroughs
- Tories
- Society
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