Religious Organizations - Sects and Cults
- Created by: HLOldham
- Created on: 03-04-16 14:55
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- Sects and Cults
- Ernst Troelstch
- Sects have characteristics that are almost diametrically opposed to those of churches
- 1. Both smaller and more strongly integrated than other religious organisations
- 2. Sects are 'connected with the lower class, or at least with those in society who are opposed to the state and society
- 3. far from being conservative and accepting the norms and values of society
- 4. Sect members may be expected to withdraw from life outside of the sect
- 5. Members of a sect are expected to be deeply committed to its beliefs
- 6. Young children can't enter the sect through baptism as they aren't old enough to understand the significance of the ceremony
- 7. Sects tend to believe they possess a monopoly of the religious truth
- 8. If central authority exists within a sect, it usually rests with a single charismatic leader
- Sects have characteristics that are almost diametrically opposed to those of churches
- Steve Bruce
- The original sects were a product of the 'upheavals of the reformation'
- Sects can prosper in modern society
- Sects lead people to withdraw from the outside world
- Members were expected to demonstrate their faith
- Run by a charismatic leader
- Waco - The Branch Dividians - David Koresh
- Illegal possession of fire arms and explosives
- Children harshly disciplined
- Young girls told it was a privilege to reach puberty and become old enough to have sex with him
- Jonestown - People's Temple - Jim Jones
- 909 people killed themselves under Jones' order
- People gave everything to the People's Temple under Jones' orders
- 909 people killed themselves under Jones' order
- Heaven's Gate
- Sect for 21 years
- Mass suicide
- Some argue it was 1 suicide and 38 murders
- Moonies - The Unification Church
- 200+ weddings happen same place and time
- Strict rules
- No sex before marriage
- Kissing takes away a part of your soul
- No alcohol/drugs
- Strong City
- Rumours he laid naked with the virgins
- Cult
- Leader Michael Travesser claims he is the Messiah
- Teenaged girls had sexual desires towards him
- Looked forward to the end of the world - set dates for it
- Ernst Troelstch
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