SEE: Water: 5.4B

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  • 5.4B: Human activity causing drought. CASE STUDY: BRAZIL 2014-2015 DROUGHT
    • Human causes
      • Over abstraction of surface water stores and aquifers
      • Illegal well drilling because it is expensive to drill wells. This goes unmonitored and leads to over-abstraction
        • 70% of wells in Brazil are illegal
        • Illegal wells are shallower and so have not percolated deep into bedrock, it may contain industrial and agricultural pollutants
          • If water is not filtered further then it can cause water-borne diseases
      • Positive feedback loops
        • Deforestation causing increased CO2, causing climate change, causes drying of vegetation, increases wildfires (trees burn down again)
        • Deforestation activities in the Amazon basin has been linked to a reduction of rainfall in the south of Brazil
    • Physical causes
      • Reduced rainfall due to high pressure systems diverting moist air further north, causing dry air above Brazil
        • The cool, sinking air cannot form clouds and produce precipitation
      • 2014-2016 El Nino event meant drought was worse in south-eastern Brazil
    • Impacts
      • 4 million people had to water ration
      • Brazil's heavy reliance on HEP meant there were power cuts
        • Brazil is usually 70% reliant on HEP
          • In turn, Brazil's ghg emissions were up 2015-2017
      • Global impact: coffee prices up 50% because Brazil is largest producer of Arabica coffee bean, which could not be produced
      • By 2015 reservoirs had reached 5% capacity


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