Separatism (reasons to leave)
- Created by: Michelle Valeria
- Created on: 30-11-16 15:52
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- Scotland
- Chechnya
- reasons to leave
- According to Jimmy Reid Foundation (Scottish advocacy group) independent Scotland would be £148 billion richer
- Socio-political
- Different political views to rest of UK (Conservative vs Labour)
- Scots outnumbered 10 to 1 = Scotish political party unlikely
- Cultural differences
- Own language: Gaelic, own church: Presbyterian
- Separate education and legal systems
- Different political views to rest of UK (Conservative vs Labour)
- Russia treats Chechnya as satellite state
- Socio-political
- Cultural differences: Chechnya is Muslim but Russia is predominanty Eastern Orthodox Christian
- Socio-political
- Central Belt generates as much wealth as London but union between S & E causes S's economic surpluses to drain south
- Consequences
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