- Created by: saoirse: )
- Created on: 20-02-17 10:48
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- Separatism
- Involves breaking up a group
- Separatists support the separation of a smaller group of people from a larger group
- Groups involved can vary in size
- Often involves smaller groups wanting more political independence from the larger group
- Occurs because small groups feel alienated, discriminated against or oppressed
- Economic independence
- Historical allegiances
- Peripheral location
- Religious differences
- Cultural differences
- Language difference
- Can have serious consequences
- Peaceful
- Establishing or maintaining a separate cultural identity
- Language Preservation
- Greater political independence
- Settlements that redistribute land, wealth and resources
- Civil disobedience
- Non-Peaceful
- Terrorism
- Civil war
- Genocide
- Peaceful
- Involves breaking up a group
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