Set up and Structure of the League of Nations
- Created by: Ana
- Created on: 15-02-13 11:42
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- Set up and Structure of the League of Nations
- Significance of League being created from TofV
- Humanitarian aims which foster improvement in living and working standards
- To discourage the pursuit of war and aggression on the part of any nation
- To encourage economic co-operation in the areas of business and trade
- To encourage world wide disarmament
- Why America did not join the League
- The league was linked to the Treaty which some Americans hated
- Many Americans were recent immigrants and as German immigrants had never approved of USA joining war, they did not want them in the League either
- They did not want their trade to be suspended due to League sanctions
- The economic cost of joining
- Some Americans were anti-British or anti-French
- They did not want to get involved in any more European affairs or be dragged into more wars
- The impact of America not joining the League
- Sanctions did not work properly which were many of the mechanisms for enforcing League decisions
- Made the League seem less powerful
- Arguably, the League functioned less effectively than it may have if USA had joined
- League could not accomplish its aims without troops, power and money
- Why other countries did not join the League at its inception
- Germany was not allowed to join the League until it had shown it was a peace-loving country
- USSR were fighting a civil war at the time so it was unclear which government would come to power
- Rising fear of communism
- The defeated nations were not allowed to join immediatly
- Impact of other countries not joining the League
- Germany was deeply offended
- Less countries, the weaker the League
- Less troops
- Economic sanctions did not work
- Methods in organisation of League that allowed it to settle disputes between nations
- The Permanent Court of International Justice
- Gave decisions on border disputes between 2 countries and gave legal advice to the Assembly or Council
- The Assembly
- Could recommend action to Council and vote on new members, league budget and other ideas put forward by Council
- The Council
- Could use moral condemnation, economic and financial sanctions and military force
- League's Commisions
- The Mandates Commision
- The Refugees Committee
- The Slavery Commission
- The Health Committee
- The Permanent Court of International Justice
- Weaknesses in the structure of the League
- The Council and Assembly only met once a year
- The Secretariat was understaffed
- The Veto- meant that one permanent member could stop council acting even if all other members had agreed
- The Council's decisions overruled
- The Court had no way of making sure that countries followed its rulings
- Decisions made by the Assembly had to be unanimous
- Significance of League being created from TofV
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