Whole Topic Mindmap
- Created by: katieh
- Created on: 13-03-15 20:29
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- Sex and Gender
- Key Concepts
- Sex
- male or female
- biological
- Gender
- masculine, feminine, adrodgynous
- balance of both masculine and feminine traits
- psychological
- masculine, feminine, adrodgynous
- Sex
- Core Theory: Biological
- gender is decided the same time as sex
- female chromosome **
- male chromosome XY
- 6 months- hormone affects cells and organs
- testosterone
- testies
- makes boys aggresive
- oestrogen
- ovaries
- makes girls sensitive
- testosterone
- gender roles are instinctive
- evolution
- females appear sensitive and caring
- have to carry then raise young
- males are more aggressive and competitive
- have to fight for resources to protect family
- females appear sensitive and caring
- Evaluation
- ignores the idea gender roles may be learnt
- if all men are biologically similar and all women, why do two sexes show such a range of behaviours
- biology is relatively fixed, yet gender roles can change
- gender is decided the same time as sex
- Alternative Theory: Psychodynamic
- Oedipus Complex
- boys unconsciously desire their mother but fear their mother finding out
- castration anxiety
- boys unconsciously desire their mother but fear their mother finding out
- Electra Complex
- girls unconsciously desire their father but worry about losing their mothers love
- penis envy
- believe they've already been castrated- hate mother
- girls unconsciously desire their father but worry about losing their mothers love
- Freud
- both occur in the unconscious mind- don't know it's happening
- argues that if parents are not around- the child's gender identity doesn't develop properly
- Oedipus Complex
- Core Study: Diamond and Sigmundson
- Procedure
- penis burnt off
- Dr Money told parents to raise Bruce as a girl called Brenda
- he believed upbringing made them masculine or feminine
- Dr Money told parents to raise Bruce as a girl called Brenda
- penis burnt off
- Results
- Brenda reached puberty and had masculine attributes
- Brenda decided to live the rest of her life as a man called David
- Diamond and Sigmundson concluded nature is more important than nurture
- Evaluation
- case studies rely on small samples so it is difficult to generalise
- case studies are based on naturally occuring situations so can't control key variables
- case studies are thorough so researchers become involved, they may stop being objective
- Procedure
- Application
- equal opportuinites for the sexes
- is males and females are born more or less the same then we can achieve the same things
- equal opportunities in education
- females re doing better in both A-Levels and GCSE's
- teachers need to find ways to cater for both male and female strengths and weaknesses
- equal opportuinites for the sexes
- Key Concepts
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