Sexual Ethics: Applied Theories
- Created by: Charlotte Emily Turner
- Created on: 23-04-17 13:28
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- Sexual Ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Analyses the pleasure of sex, not the morals or actions
- Act: Good to **********/ ****/have sex, if it brings the most pleasure
- Consent is not relevant
- Victims of **** may gain pleasure involuntarily
- Consent is not relevant
- Preference: Homosexuality would be bad, if a majority opposed it (i.e. Texas)
- Natural Law
- Masturbation & contraception do not fulfil the purpose of our basic goods, so are wrong!
- Why the Catholic Church opposes contraception & masturbation
- Masturbation & contraception do not fulfil the purpose of our basic goods, so are wrong!
- Situation Ethics
- It would be cruel to deny a homosexual the same rights as a hetrosexual
- If sex brings about love, then it is allowed
- Masturbation is okay, as it is done to satisfy needs (not loving to deny this)
- Kant's Ethical Theory
- Universal law #1: only have sex if you're prepared to have a child with the other person
- Universal law #2: only have sex if you are in a committed relationship (with consent)
- Do not have sex/ ********** to fulfill lust
- Utilitarianism
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