Sexual Ethics.
- Created by: ElloElla
- Created on: 24-02-16 10:41
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- Sexual Ethics.
- Natural Law.
- Sex and relationships.
- Roman Catholic= sex only in wedlock.
- Sex should only be for procreation (PP) not pleasure (AG).
- Telos of sex is for procreation.
- Masturbation= apparent goodness.
- Can cause problems: does this mean infertile couples can't have sex?
- Contraception.
- Condoms prevent childbirth= against PP.
- DDE allows condoms to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDs.
- Contraception is against God as it is unnatural.
- Reproduction= duty of humans.
- Homosexuality
- Never naturally produces a child and does not conform with the telos of procreation.
- God created woman for man so homosexuality= against intentions.
- Gay men and women can (agape) but any sexual act is immoral. Sexual acts are violations of divine and natural laws.
- Sex and relationships.
- Kantian Ethics.
- Sex and relationships.
- CI= sex is wrong as you are using someone else for your own benefit.
- Masturbation is worse than suicide.
- Marriage= prostitution. You have a contract with someone which destroys autonomy.
- Contraception.
- Procreation= intrinsic duty of human race and doesn't allow procreation.
- Contraception does not preserve human life.
- Kant may argue that contraception is acceptable if it prevents exploitation.
- Homosexuality.
- Unacceptable- sex doesn't allow for human life.
- 'Crimine carnis'= crime of the flesh. Degrades humans below animals.
- Can't be universal or the human race would die out.
- Sex and relationships.
- Utiliarianism.
- Sex and Relationships.
- Bentham says prostitution should be legal as it brings pleasure to many.
- Sex is a basic human need. You should make the decision as to whether or not you want to have sex.
- ***********=crime against the self.
- Contraception.
- Mill= good- gives women control over sex and relationships.
- Homosexuality.
- Bentham- doesn't harm anyone and gives happiness to many.
- Singer- preference of the individual.
- Sex and Relationships.
- Natural Law.
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