sgs 1 civil

  • Created by: Hazk
  • Created on: 06-08-24 17:02
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  • sgs 1 civil
    • case analysis  - contract
      • Terms?  Express and/or implied
      • Breach of express terms?
      • Is there a contract? (Offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, certainty of terms)  Oral or written contract?
      • Breach of implied terms? Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, s.13 “carry out the service with reasonable skill and care”
      • Causation?
      • Loss? Here pure economic loss- not an issue in contract
      • Remoteness Can the loss be quantified?
      • To start a case anaylisis must first establish if
    • four types of evidence needed
      • Documents
        • Need to look at strand & co file. there are ways and means to get copies of the file…need to see documents from the other sid
        • Look at the declaration of disability forms that the company may have. relevance of this each customer must sign of declaration of disability.
          • some of the forms missing need to see if customers were actually paying VAT or if they would of been expect this is important!!
      • witness evidence
        • Victoria bestwood was a witness evidence  -
        • speak to andrew south himself
          • possible ethical concequences from andrew south have to tread carefully
          • upholding public trust and confidence, honesty integrity.  We cannot mislead Mr. south if we ever spoke to him in particular, looking at paragraph 1.2 of the code of conduct.. – can’t take advantage of others.. 2.2 – you must not seek to influence the substance of evidence
        • need to look at the other employees who potentailly wa s present too
      • expert evidence
        • may need expert evidence we may need expert evidence to look at the implied term of acting with reasonable skills and competence. We would need to look at
        • having another expert, an independent expert to look at the facts and say whether they thought that a reasonably skilled accountant would have advised that the Vat chargeable on kitchens for disabled people or not.
      • real evidence
        • not an issue here because we’re talking about discussions, but real evidence might be if the claim was over for   itself so there is no more real evidence then that


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