Sherlock case study
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 13-09-14 15:31
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- Sherlock - Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss
- Genre
- British
- Contemporary crime drama
- Modern day adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories
- Industry
- Background and Context
- Steven Moffat - Best known for being the producer and writer of Doctor Who and Sherlock. Has won several awards, including an Emmy and and BAFTA's
- Mark Gatiss - Has written for and acted in Doctor Who and Sherlock
- Production
- Produced by Hartswood Films for BBC Wales
- The pilot episode was reported to have cost £800,000 but was scrapped
- Series three was produced with a budget of £5 million
- Distribution and Marketing
- UK release date July 2010
- Distributed by BBC
- Blogs that feature in the show were made live
- Star appeal - At the time, Cumberbatch was not a big name star - the success from Sherlock and consequent roles ensured this. Most of the cast were recognisable, but Sherlock seemed to be their 'big break'
- Background and Context
- Narrative
- Cases follow Todorov's structure
- Plotlines do not always follow Todorov's structure (non-linear)
- Utilises cliff hangers
- Multiple disruptions in the narrative
- Unconventional in Propp's theory
- Sherlock/John switch being the Hero
- John is sometimes the Princess
- Irene switches from the Villain to the Princess
- Mary Morstan turns out to be the False friend but then becomes the Princess
- Utilises flashbacks
- Has fictional/fantastical elements in realistic, everyday settings
- Audience
- Target Audience
- Aired around 9pm-10:30pm
- Not young children
- Themes which might be upsetting to some
- Males and females 15 - 35
- Use of social networking e.g. blogs, hashtags
- Aired around 9pm-10:30pm
- Audience Reception
- The show has been met with critical acclaim across the series
- The third series became the UK's most watched drama series since 2001
- Audience Positioning
- Close ups and POV shots are used to show clues as they are being deduced
- POV shots are frequently
- Text messages are shown on screen
- On screen graphics are used to show Sherlock's thought processes
- S03E01 can be considered 'meta' - references fan fiction, Reichenbach Fall theories, continues the 'We're not gay' humour
- Target Audience
- Representation
- Irene Adler - **********, femme fatal, intelligent, flaw = 'sentiment'
- Mary Morstan - comfortably middle class/intelligent, manipulative, loving
- Allusions to Sherlock and John's sexuality
- Genre
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