Sort answer questions- Section A and B
- Created by: Gabby
- Created on: 07-05-13 11:06
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- Short answer questions- Mainly section A but also useful for section B- Safe practice
- Why is Hydration important?
- It helps to keep you cool at a healthy temperature
- Body temperature: 35 Degrees
- It replaces the fluid that is lost through sweating
- Prevents Lactic acid build up
- Reducing the effect of cramp
- Reduces the chances of DEHYDRATION
- Dehydration could briefly result in:
- Feeling faint
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Nausea/ Feeling sick
- Breathlessness
- Numbness/ Cramp/ Pins and kneedles
- Decreases the ability to perform at your best
- Dehydration could briefly result in:
- It helps to keep you cool at a healthy temperature
- Why is Hydration important?
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