Sigmund Freud
- Created by: Abigailfowler1998
- Created on: 18-01-16 21:46
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- Sigmund Freud Biological Psychology
- Background
- Freud was on of the most influential Psychologists of all time!
- Freud's Lexicon/Vocabulary is now used in everyday life- such as: anal, denial, repression and neurotic
- Sigmund believed that when we explain ourselves to each-other we rarely tell the truth but we're not intentionally lying.
- Freud was on of the most influential Psychologists of all time!
- Talking Cure
- The Talking method helps people with mental illness
- He wanted people to talk freely! (The couch method)
- He found it helpful for people to talk about what's on their mind
- The Unconscious Mind
- Topographical model of the mind
- He used an analogy of an iceberg to describe the three levels of the mind
- On the surface is the conciousness which consists of the thoughts that we focus on now
- The preconscious consists of what we can retrieve from our memory
- The third layer is our unconscious. This part is used the most but is also the most important
- Some thoughts that we find difficult to talk about have been repressed and lie in our "cauldron" (unconscious)
- The preconscious consists of what we can retrieve from our memory
- The Psyche
- Developed a more structural model of the mind comprising the entities
- ID- instincts, ego-reality, superego-morality
- The ego develops from the ID during infancy, the superego develops during early childhood
- The superego can make us feel guilty and gives us socially acceptable instincts
- The ego develops from the ID during infancy, the superego develops during early childhood
- ID- instincts, ego-reality, superego-morality
- Developed a more structural model of the mind comprising the entities
- Defence mechanisms
- Repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression, sublimation
- Background
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