Signs in John's Gospel
- Created by: miyaneve1998
- Created on: 13-06-16 17:34
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- Signs
- Water into Wine
- 3 days later - link to ressurection
- my hour has not yet come - foreshadowing future
- 6 jars - sixth day (jesus crucifixion)
- 6 jars also shows imperfection
- Mastin - isn't significance, scholars over analyse
- Shows jesus came to save them
- Replaces water like christianity is replacing Judaism
- Replacement theology
- wine reminds of the last supper
- Eucharistic element
- God was the true bridegroom, now jesus is
- Replacement theology
- Disciples had faith in his ability
- always working in the context of his death
- Healing of the lame man
- beginning of opposition to jesus' ministry
- Happened on the sabbath
- pool had 5 coverings = 5 books (Hellenistic elements)
- 38 years = israelits spent in the desert
- judaism failed him, Saved by jesus
- Dodd - The healing of christ is more than a spiritual thing
- Characterised by unbelief - the man is a weak character
- Jesus asks the man if he wants to be saved
- is he happy with the law of Moses
- Bultmann - do not read into the sign so deepy
- Sheep gate is a link to good shepherd
- To show Jesus's authority of Jesus
- Jesus has more authority over sin than the torah
- beginning of opposition to jesus' ministry
- Healing of the officials son
- Jesus' Word gives both physical and eternal life
- Focus is on death
- Heals son on the 7th hour - perfect time
- Ministry is universal, accepts gentiles
- whole family believe after - spreading jesus' word
- Jesus' word gives physical and eternal life
- Feeding the 5000
- Passover
- substitute for the last supper
- Jesus is the new moses
- His bread leads to eternal life
- the Manna moses fed did not provide this
- His bread leads to eternal life
- 5 loaves & 2 fish = 7 perfection
- Bread will give them eternal life through his death
- Jesus distributes the bread, as he gives his body on the cross
- Jesus took bread and gave thanks - hints at messianic banquet
- Eucharistic elements - I am the bread of life
- faith is central to the miracle
- Disciples - lack of faith
- The man born blind
- Healed on the Sabbath
- Seen as a punishment to be blind
- Water gives new life - a substitue for baptism
- receives new baptism, physical disability is removed
- Receives spiritual enlightenment
- receives new baptism, physical disability is removed
- The light of the world has entered into him
- Healed on the Sabbath
- Raising of Lazarus
- Jesus reveals his glory in Cana, now he is leading to his ultimate glorification
- Symbolises the end of Old Israel and the birth of new
- Seen as a bridge between the signs and Jesus' passion
- Martha has faith - she believes Jesus can do something
- Although she doesn't fully understand, she thinks he will be raised on the last day
- He died as a member of OI and raised through the belief of christ
- Dodd - the removal of the stone was to be viewed in the ight of Jesus ressurection
- Foreshadowing of the story of Jesus facing and conquering death
- He is physically and spiritually reborn
- Jesus has power over death
- The sign speeds up jesus' death
- leads authorities to kill him once and for all
- Seven signs = perfect number
- john was interested in the significance, rather than the event itself
- Sign posts to Jesus and his ministry
- Nature
- Purpose
- Deep theological importance
- Lindars - written as a significance of Jesus
- McRae - believes that it was writing to appeal to the Gentiles
- to link jesus with the father
- superiority of christianity over jesus
- didactic purpose - intended to teach
- Spiritual meaning
- 7 signs = perfect to God
- all signs are great supernatural events
- Shows John's Sitz em Laben
- Seven Qualities Compassion Divinity Leadership Authority Saving Act Humantity Universal Motif
- all types of miracles but exorcism
- developed christology
- Signifies Jesus' divinity
- Kingdom of God has been realised (realised eschatology)
- Purpose
- Signs gave rise to conflict and controversy
- Do not automatically produce faith
- johns intention was to link jesus with the father
- Intended for people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God
- Belief leads to eternal Life
- Barrett - Clear indications that he was the son and equal to god
- Jesus was sent to replace Judaism and save humanity
- Reveal who Jesus is
- Written so people may believe
- Show jesus's mighty act of power
- Has the nature & Power of God
- Water into Wine
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