Sikism 2
- Created by: h.chapple
- Created on: 01-06-14 17:32
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- Sikhism
- Langar Kitchen
- The word langar means literally kitchen.
- Is the term used in general for common kitchen/canteen where food is served in a Gurdwara to all the visitors for free.
- Only vegetarian food is served, to ensure that all people, regardless of their dietary restrictions, can eat as equals
- Langar is open to Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike.
- Story of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- Guru Nanak is the founder of Sikhism.
- Sikhism is still based on his teachings and of the nine Sikh Gurus who followed him.
- At the age of 30 he mysteriously disappeared for 3 days
- When he reappeared, he began to preach the Sikh faith and spent the rest of his life teaching, writing and travelling around the world to discuss religion with Muslims and Hindus.
- Sikhs celebrate Guru Nanak's Birthday by reading the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, continuously from beginning to end, over 48 hours, until the morning of his birthday.
- The Gurdwaras (places where Sikhs go to pray) are decorated with flowers, flags and lights. Sikhs join together to sing, pray and eat together.
- On his birthday at 4/ 5am, hymns are sung from the Guru Granth Sahib, poems recited in praise of the Gurus and lectures on Sikhism. After this, a sweet-tasting food (Karah Prasad) is blessed and served.
- The congregation then share a langar (meal) from the free kitchen.
- Langar Kitchen
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