Simone De Beauvior (1908-1986)
- Created by: iloveland
- Created on: 09-05-16 13:00
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- Simone De Beauvior (1908-1986)
- Intro
- French philosopher and writer
- Considered the "mother of feminism"
- Main study devoted to the conditions of women
- Wrote "The Second Sex" (1953)
- Main Thesis
- "One is not born, but becomes a woman"
- Distinction between biological sex and socio- cultural, therefore changeable, gender
- Women have become identified as the "other" to men
- Women are inessential or secondary- dependent on men
- Men are the true and essential
- Women are always seen in relation to men- women through the eyes of men
- "One is not born, but becomes a woman"
- Historical Evolution of Womens' Subordination
- Homosapien life= women relied on men for hunting and fighting
- Women's focus was on reproduction- men in control
- Divison of labour- men as breadwinners, women as mothers and wives
- Roles have become developed and socialised to become the norm
- Gender- specific roles and identities represent masculine and feminine attributes
- Women seen as the lesser or secondary to men and this role is accepted as the norm
- Revolution
- Women should take things into their own hands
- Recognise their subordination and gain economic and cultural independence
- Quotes- Beauvior (1953)
- "man can think of himself without women, she cannot think of herself without man
- "He is the subject, the absolute- she is the other"
- If women "belong to the bourgeoisie, they feel solidarity with men of that class, not proletariat women"
- "Womens efforts have been little more than symbolic agitation- only gained what men are willing to grant"
- Critisisms
- Elitist and ignores various social factors, class, race, etc
- Utopian view that women can be fully liberated
- Women have to become "like men"- defeating the point
- Not contemporary- women have gained independence
- Intro
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