pe muslce fibres
- Created by: Elle99
- Created on: 02-10-17 09:18
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- Skeletal and muscular systems
- skeletal muscle contraction
- For muscle fibre to generate enough force
- motor neurone need to be activated by brain
- motor units join a fibre at a neuromuscular junction
- motor neuron and muscle fibres = motor unit
- small motor units
- stimulate small muscle fibre
- small and slow amount of force, long duration, resist fatigue
- stimulate small muscle fibre
- large motor units
- stimulate large muscle fibres
- large amount of force rapidly, fatigue quickly
- stimulate large muscle fibres
- small motor units
- motor neuron and muscle fibres = motor unit
- motor units join a fibre at a neuromuscular junction
- neurone
- a nerve cell which conducts a nerve impulse to a group of muscle fibres
- nerve impulse initiated in motor neurone
- nerve impulse conducted down to axon by a nerve action potential
- neuromuscular junction
- imitates the release of the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine)
- secreted into synoptic ceft
- help conduct nerve impulse across gap
- if enough acetylcholine and electrical charge above threshold
- muscle fibre contract
- all or none law
- motor unit receives a stimulus
- creates an action potential
- reaches threshold charge
- all muscle fibres will contact, same time, maximum force
- reaches threshold charge
- creates an action potential
- motor unit receives a stimulus
- all or none law
- muscle fibre contract
- if enough acetylcholine and electrical charge above threshold
- help conduct nerve impulse across gap
- secreted into synoptic ceft
- imitates the release of the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine)
- neuromuscular junction
- action potential
- +ve electrical charge inside nerve and muscle
- cells which conduct nerve impulse down the neutron and into muscle fibre
- +ve electrical charge inside nerve and muscle
- nerve impulse conducted down to axon by a nerve action potential
- motor neurone need to be activated by brain
- For muscle fibre to generate enough force
- Muscle fibres
- slow oxidative
- aerobic/endurance
- provide energy for sub max work
- each individual fibre recover quickly (90secs)
- provide energy for sub max work
- long intensity
- 1:1/1:05
- long duration
- running
- marathon
- no fibre damage
- enhances blood flow, enhance healing process
- no fibre damage
- cross country skiing
- 3, 10min, moderate instensity
- aerobic/endurance
- fast oxidative glycolytic
- speed endurance
- 400m, 800m, 1500m
- fast glycolytic
- anaerobic/explosive
- high intensity
- short duration
- 100m sprint, hammer throw, triple jump
- eccentric muscle damage
- maximal efforts required
- delayed muscle soreness
- 24-48hrs after
- delayed muscle soreness
- maximal efforts required
- eccentric muscle damage
- 4-10 days to recover
- leave 48 hrs to use same muscle group
- 1:3+
- 3-5 min rest, 2-6 reps
- mix
- teams players
- aerobic and aerobic
- motor units contain same type of muscle fibre
- nervous system can produce movement for different activity
- changing muscle fibre type
- recruit SO
- resist fatigue
- force required increases
- recruit FOG
- maximum overload
- FG
- maximum overload
- recruit FOG
- force required increases
- resist fatigue
- recruit SO
- motor units contain same type of muscle fibre
- aerobic and aerobic
- football, hockey
- teams players
- slow oxidative
- skeletal muscle contraction
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